Autumn 2019
Prof. Avijit Chatterjee
Author: Sakshi Dayal
Pre-requisite courses: AE 152
Pre-requisite skills: None
Course Content:
- Introduction to Aircraft Design: Three phases in aircraft design, Computer based aircraft design methodologies, differences between LTA and HTA aircraft, type of civil and military aircraft.
- Configuration and Layout: Types and comparison of wing, tail, fuselage, landing gear, wing-tail combinations, power plant (types, numbers, locations), unconventional aircraft configurations.
- Sizing and Constraint Analysis: Initial sizing, estimation of design gross weight, rubber engine sizing and fixed engine sizing, refined sizing method and constraint analysis.
- Estimation Methodologies: Lift and drag coefficient, design loads, component mass breakdown, acquisition cost, direct operating cost.
- Operational and Environmental Issues: Range-payload diagram, V-n diagram, noise and emission levels
Information about Projects/Assignments: 10 marks (attendance – biometric/app), 10 marks (Quiz 1), 30 marks (Mid-semester), 10 marks (Quiz 2), 40 marks (End-semester)
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 2/5
Overall Course Difficulty: Easy
Average Time Commitment: (Apart from lectures and tutorials) Less than 3 hrs
Attendance Policy: Marks for attendance
General funda: Take notes during lecture and revise every single point said in the class. Nothing beyond lecture is asked in quizzes. Quizzes seem easy, avoid silly mistakes. Don’t overthink and go with your first intuition. Give graphs, explanation wherever applicable; don’t miss out any point that you believe is related to the question in any manner. Write all the intermediate steps, because you won’t be awarded marks if your final answer is wrong and intermediate calculations are missing.
Grading stats: AA-7, AB-9, BB-10, BC-12, CC and below-7
AA | 7 |
AB | 9 |
BB | 10 |
BC | 12 |
CC and below | 7 |
Professor’s Teaching Style: Pay due attention to what is discussed and told in the lecture, and take all the notes.