EC 402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis


Autumn 2022

Prof. Saptarshi Prosonno Ghosh

Author: Nistha Agarwal

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: None

Course Content in Brief:

  • Introduction of Game Theory.
  • Classifications of games, Terminology and assumptions.
  • Simultaneous games of complete information.
  • Normal form games, Dominant strategy equilibrium, Iterated strict dominance, Nash Equilibrium in pure strategies, Cournot duopoly, Prisoners dilemma, Battle of Sexes, Problem of commons, Final offer arbitration, Strategic Voting, Non-existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium Mixed strategies, Existence of Nash equilibrium, Matching coins.
  • Dynamic games of complete information. Extensive form games, Perfect and imperfect information in dynamic games, Stackelberg duopoly, Wage bargaining, Rubinstein bargaining (finite version), Subgame perfection, Bank Runs, Finite stage repeated games, Cournot duopoly.
  • Static Bayesian games. Normal form representation, Bayes Nash equilibrium, Cournot duopoly under incomplete information (Mixed strategies revisited), First price sealed bid auction.
  • Dynamic Bayesian games. Perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium, Job-market signaling, Bargaining under asymmetric information.

Motivation behind taking this course: I have always been interested in game theory and wanted to do a course on it. The semester in which I was registering this course was available and I had gotten reviews that the course is lesser effort compared to the game theory course offered by the IEOR department.

Info about Projects/Assignments: NA

Evaluation Structure:

  • 40% Midsem
  • 60% Endsem
  • No quizzes

Attendance Policy: No attendance policy

Difficult level of Projects/Assignments: Not specified

Quizzes/midsem/endsem difficult level on a scale 1-5: 3/5

Level of effort you put into the course: 3/5

Feedback on Lectures (in terms of lecture delivery or ease of understanding, prof’s teaching style): The professor covers every concept in detail in the class. He explains it well and will explain it to you again on a later date if you ask. He focuses a lot on learning in class.

References OR online resources:

  • The reference texts shared by the professor in class work best.
  • Apart from that I had referred to a video series on YouTube by William Spaniel.

General Fundae: If you attend all classes regularly, then you do not need to put any other extra effort in the courses. The professor tests the understanding of the concepts covered in class itself.

Who can take this course?: Anyone can take the course, there are no restrictions. Please note this is a core course for the 4th year students of BS Economics.