Spring 2022
Prof. Ravi Banavar
Author: Ronit Chitre
Pre-requisite courses: A course on linear algebra preferably SC639
Pre-requisite skills: Mathematical intuition
Course Content:
- Intro to differential geometry
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Rigid body rotation
Motivation to take up the course: Its a great course for people who are interested in controls and want to do mathematically rigorous research.
Information about Projects/Assignments: There were four assignments. Three were theoretical and the other was about making a python simulation. There was a paper review in the end. We were asked to make a presentation about what we learnt in the paper.
Evaluation Structure: There were four assignments. Three were theoretical and the other was about making a python simulation. There was a paper review in the end. We were asked to make a presentation about what we learnt in the paper.
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5
Assignments Difficulty: 4/5
Level of effort [Level of effort you put into the course]: 4/5
Lecture Style and Delivery: Lectures were pretty good. The professor would make sure you were paying attention by asking questions to random people in the class.