Autumn 2023
Prof. Punit Permananda
Author: Vaibhav Upadhyay
Pre-requisite courses: None
Pre-requisite skills: None
Course Content:
- Physics of nonlinear systems, dynamical equations and constants of motion, phase space, fixed points, stability analysis, bifurcations and their classifications, Poincaré section and iterative maps.
- One dimensional non-invertible maps, simple and strange attractors, period doubling and universality, intermittency, invariant measure, Lyapunov exponents.
- Higher dimensional systems, Henon map, Lorenz equations.
- Fractal geometry and examples of simple and fat fractals, concept of dimensions.
- Hamiltonian systems, integrability, Liouville’s theorem, action and angle variables, introduction to perturbation techniques, KAM theorem, area preserving maps, chaos and stochasticity.
Motivation to take up the course: As an aerospace engineer, we work with nonlinear systems and this is the best course to learn about them.
Information about Projects/Assignments: The project is to give a presentation about a nonlinear system and its analysis (Detailed).
Evaluation Structure: Attendance: 10 Midsem: 25 Presentation: 25 Endsem: 30
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 2/5
Assignments Difficulty: 3/5
Level of effort [Level of effort you put into the course]: 2/5
Lecture Style and Delivery: Prof. Punit is the best professor I have ever seen in my life and his teaching methods are awesome and highly interactive.
Attendance Policy: Attendance would be taken on 10 Random Lecture Days in between the semester. There is no policy for DX grade in this course.
General funda: Go to class regularly and let the chaos guide you.
Should you do this course?: Anyone with interest in nonlinear dynamics and their evolution.