ES 601 - Environmental Safety and Health


Autumn 2020

Prof. Harish Phuleria

Author: Kinjal Sao

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: None

Course Content:

  • Occupational safety and health issues in industries and other sectors.
  • Basics of the health and safety protocols of the workers and employers.
  • The major disasters that took place in the industries and the controls that can be implemented to overcome the problem.

Motivation to take up the course: It’s a good way to know about the safety and health measures that one must take in a working environment. You get to see both the employer and the employee perspective on it. Moreover, a lot of these techniques can be implemented in everyday life. Talking about the level of efforts, it’s a very chill course. Professor and TAs both are chill. You can study for the exam a day prior also. It has got good grading stats too.

Information about Projects/Assignments: You need to choose a topic of your own and compile a report on it. The presentation of the report also takes place with some easy cross questions to it.

Evaluation Structure: In class quizzes and assignments. Report preparation. Attendance. Midsem and endsem.

Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 2/5

Assignments Difficulty: 2/5

Level of effort [Level of effort you put into the course]: 2/5

Lecture Style and Delivery: He teaches in a very interactive way, very fun and chill lecture delivery. He provides slides of the content too so that we can refer later.

Attendance Policy: Attendance has 10% weightage.

Who can take this course: There is some cap in this course so make sure to register for this ASAP.

Autumn 2023

Prof. Harish C. Phuleria

Author: Gauri Maheshwari

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: None

Course Content in Brief:

  • Regulation of environmental health and safety
  • Factory act
  • Mines act
  • OSHA
  • Study design

Motivation behind taking this course: Chill course and good grading.

Info about Projects/Assignments: In class graded assessment (4-6) and short quizzes (4-6).

Attendance Policy: None

Difficult level of Projects/Assignments: 1/5

Quizzes/midsem/endsem difficult level on a scale 1-5: 1/5

Level of effort you put into the course: 2/5