Autumn 2019
Prof Ravi Banavar
Author: Miloni Atal
Pre-requisite courses: First course in calculus.
Pre-requisite skills: Only basic calculus
Course Content:
- Vector spaces and linear algebra
- Multivariable calculus
- Real Analysis
- Convergence (Sequences and Series)
- Convexity
Motivation to take up the course: This was the introductory course being offered for pursuing a minor in Systems and Controls
Information about Projects/Assignments: We were given 4 assignments which constituted 20% of overall marking scheme, these were simple problem solving assignments.
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5
Overall Course Difficulty: Moderate
Average Time Commitment: (Apart from lectures and tutorials) Between 3-6 hrs
Attendance Policy: Attendence was not compulsory
General funda: Some of the quizes were challenging, but the endsem was relatively straightforward, just revising the basic concepts from class notes and practicing proofs and questions from the previous assignments and suggested reference book (Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces - P. R. Halmos) will ensure a good grade. The exams were open book and largely conceptual.
Grading stats:
AA | 4 |
AB | 8 |
BB | 19 |
BC | 16 |
CC | 9 |
CD | 13 |
DD | 4 |
FR | 0 |
Professor’s Teaching Style: The Professor kept the class interactive, always encouraging discussions and heavy weightage (25% of total marking scheme) was given to class participation. Since, it was the first time the Professor was taking this course some of the classes were a bit unstructured, but all the concepts were taught from the basics, and the teaching style was simple and easy to follow. The theory taught was reinforced by problem solving in tutorials, conducted every week by the TAs and assignments given to us. Also, a major portion taught in the beginning was just a recap of MA105 concepts.
Should you do this course?:I would strongly recommend this to anyone thinking of pursuing Systems and Controls Engineering, this being an essential introductory course on which further concepts are built.