SC 301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems


Spring 2020-21

Prof. Arpita Sinha

Author: Manav Vora

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: MATLAB coding skills

Course Content: Basic theory on linear and non-linear systems like Lyapunov Stability, canonical forms etc. Basically some of the more important stuff required in controller design.

Motivation to take up the course: I’m pursuing a minor in Syscon and this course was a prerequisite for other courses. Also, I want to pursue my Masters in aerospace controls or robotics. So this course was very important to build a foundation.

Information about Projects/Assignments: Coding assignments and prove that questions. Coding assignments involved making phase plots which can sometimes be difficult.

Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 4/5

Evaluation Structure: 1 midsem, 1 endsem, a few quizzes on moodle and some assignments.

Lecture Style and Delivery: The lectures were okayish. Not too bad not too good. Sometimes the professor was crystal clear but some times things got a bit confusing and even more unclear when the professor tried to explain. Also, the phase plots part was not taught that clearly. That’s why almost everyone faced difficulties while coding them.

Attendance Policy: None

General funda: None

Should you do this course?: Anyone wanting to explore syscon can take this course. It gives you a nice flavour of what to expect.

References: The professor provided the references She uploaded them on a Google drive