CS 213 - Data Structures and Algorithms


Autumn 2019

Prof. Sharat

Author: Miloni Atal

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: Basic programming skills (e.g. CS101)

Course Content: Elementary aspects of data structures and algorithms

Motivation to take up the course: It is an elemenentary course for computer science and helpful in any work that involved coding. It is also very helpful for internship/placement preparation for coding profile.

Information about Projects/Assignments: The 5 assignments were a mixture of coding and theoretical questions. For each question (including coding) we had to explain our approach in detail in a Reflection essay along with justifying the correctness of our solution. Average time given was around a week. Penalties were applied for late submission. The questions of assignments were significantly difficult, whereas the timed tests had comparatively easy questions.

Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5

Evaluation Structure:

  • Assignments - 5 (Coding and theory questions, average time given a week)
  • Timed Tests - 3 (Coding and theory questions, around 2-3 hours)
  • Almost equal weightage - (11-14%)

Attendance Policy: No

General funda: Be regular with the lectures, put time and effort into understanding and solving the assignment questions. Avoid discussing/taking help/copying from your batch mates, leads to severe repercussions (The prof takes this very seriously). Be calm during the timed-tests as they are quite easy, unless you panic due to the time-frame.

Should you do this course?: Anyone who loves coding or is interested in learning the basics.