Autumn 2019
Prof. Kumar Hemant Singh
Author: K T Prajwal Prathiksh
Pre-requisite courses: None
Pre-requisite skills: None
Course Content:
- Structure and composition of the Earth - Geodynamics
- Theory and fundamental concepts of Plate Tectonics: Rotation vectors, Rotation poles, Present day plate motions & Triple junctions
- Geophysical framework of the earth: Spherical harmonic representation of potential functions.
- Gravity: figure of the earth, shape, rotation, tidal friction, gravity field of earth and Isostasy
- Geomagnetism: internal, external field & their causes, geodynamo theory
- Paleomagnetism: Polar wander paths, Seafloor spreading and Continental drift
- Heat flow: heat transfer mechanism, thermal regime, thermal structure of the earth, volcanism, Hot spots and mantle plumes
- Elastic waves: internal structure and variation physical properties in the interior of the earth
Motivation to take up the course: Was interested in learning more about planetary dynamics.
Information about Projects/Assignments: There were no assignments/projects/quizzes. Just a Mid-Sem & End-Sem exam.
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 2/5
Overall Course Difficulty: Easy
Average Time Commitment: (Apart from lectures and tutorials) Less than 3 hrs
Attendance Policy:There is no official policy, but try to attend all the classes since that does have an effect on your grade.
General funda: Attend all the classes. Memorize the handful of derivations in the course. Go through the lecture slides and the reference book since quite a lot of theory, despite being easy to understand, needs to be covered. Can be done three-four days prior to the exams.
Grading stats: The best grading policy I’ve ever seen XD. Most got 10s & 9s. No one got a 7 or below.
Professor’s Teaching Style: A pretty chill professor. The teaching isn’t the best, but you understand most of the things, and the rest can be covered up with books/slides. Since this course is a core-course for first year master’s students, you will have to convince the professor that you really are interested and make sure you attend the classes.
Should you do this course?: Someone who is interested in planetary dynamics (a very niche topic) can hands down take up this course.