SC602 - Nonlinear Control Systems


Spring 2022

Prof. Sukumar Srikant

Author: Vaibhav Upadhyay

Pre-requisite courses:SC 639, SC 202 & SC 301

Pre-requisite skills:This course has no strict prerequisites, and you can pick up any unfamiliar concepts as you go. While having a basic understanding of linear systems, stability, and control is advantageous, it’s not obligatory; you can learn these concepts along the way in the course.

Course Content:

  • An introduction to vector fields, flows and integral curves of differential equations, affine-in-the control nonlinear systems, equilibria, notions of stability, La Salle`s invariance principle, feedback linearization, zero dynamics, controller design examples, distributions, integrable and involutive distributions

Motivation to take up the course: If you’ve always been intrigued by nonlinear controller design, this course is your ideal starting point

Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5

Level of effort [Level of effort you put into the course]: 4/5

Evaluation Structure: Assignments : 50% Mid-sem: 20% End-Sem: 30% “ Attendance Policy: No Compulsory Attendance

Info about Projects/Assignments: The course includes simulation assignments for applying nonlinear controllers to real-world systems such as a 2-DOF Robotic Manipulator and Spacecraft Attitude Control (Keep in mind that there simulation assignment carries a lot of weight).

Difficult level of Projects/Assignments [Difficuly]: 4/5

Feedback on Lectures (in terms of lecture delivery or ease of understanding, prof’s teaching style ): Prof. Sukumar Srikant is an amazing teacher. So, if you attend regularly you will enjoy the course for sure.

References OR online resources (E.g. drive link for recorded lecture videos etc.): “

General funda Its highly recommended to attend classes, especially for those new to rigorous mathematical courses. Last-night study can be very risky.

Who can take this course?:Anyone with an interest in nonlinear controls or those who got bored of linearizing the systems