AE 759 - Systems Engineering



Prof. Hemendra Arya

Author: Anmol Harshana

Pre-requisite courses: None

Pre-requisite skills: None

Course Content: “Covered: Systems definitions and concepts. Conceptual system design; Introduction to engineering design and decision making; Requirements capture; Requirements analysis, functional decomposition; System architecture; Engineering systems modeling. Analysis of system: Reliability; Maintainability; Serviceability; Disposability and Affordability. Cost and benefit analysis. Methods of decision analysis; State transition matrix models; System life-cycle modeling, engineering systems design and operation;. Use of systems engineering software to capture the systems engineering process.

Not covered but listed initially: Quality Function Deployment; Queuing theory; Design options; Monte Carlo modeling; Utility theory; Forecasting. Modeling the research and development process; Information, Programme management with case studies, Game theory; “

Evaluation Structure: The batch was divided into teams of 3 to 4 people. Each team had to choose one problem statement for project and then work on it for the entire sem. The evaluation structure was as follows: Individual: (midsem + endsem ): 20+30. Group: (Project + Assignments): 30+20

Motivation to take up the course: My motivation to take the course was to learn more about how real world engineering problems are tackled successfully at a broader level.

Information about Projects/Assignments: The entire batch was divided into teams of 3 to 4 people. Each team had to choose it’s own problem statement for the project subject to some constraints. The entire systems engineering flow had to be applied on the chosen problem statement insync with the lectures. The assignments also had to be done in team within a deadline of one to two weeks and were quite helpful in understanding some of the concepts.

Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5

Overall Course Difficulty: Moderate

Average Time Commitment: 4 hours per week. Most of the time outside lectures was spent on group project and assignments.

Attendance Policy: No min threshold was there, however you have to be present in class during presentations.

General Fundae: The theory part of the course seems easy but to do the group project and assignments properly, a good amount of time is required. So if you feel that you are already packed with other commitments, then don’t take this course. Try to be active in class (online lectures are boring otherwise) and have lots of discussion with your team on the concepts to learn more.

Feedback on Lectures: The lectures felt more interesting when you were actively interacting. Otherwise, lectures felt boring. Professor Arya is a brilliant teacher who can give you very good examples and explanations if you ask for it. I would say his questions and feedback on your work were quite valuable and you learn the most when you apply the SE processes yourself in the project.

Should you do this course?: Anyone with enthusiasm to learn more about how engineering systems are developed and good practices for the same.