Spring 2019
Prof. Abhijit Gogulapati
Author: Maharshi Pathak
Pre-requisite courses: AE 326: Vibrations and Structural Dynamics (preferred)
Pre-requisite skills: Good knowledge of structures.
Motivation to take up the course: Interest in structures
Information about Projects/Assignments:
Reading assignments: Research papers are discussed during the lecture hours which have to be read beforehand
Presentations: Students have to present a topic of their choice
3 Assignments: 15-20% each: These are generally coding assignments or assignments related to the research papers that were discussed
1 Project and presentation: 40-55%
Quizzes/Midsem/Endsem papers Difficulty: 3/5
Overall Course Difficulty: Moderate
Average Time Commitment: (Apart from lectures and tutorials) Between 6-10 hrs
Attendance Policy: No policy
General funda: Grading depends on the number of students registered. You should only look to take this course if you are interested in structures. Course content depends on the instructor and is quite flexible to your interests.
Grading stats: AA: 4 (only 4 students registered)
Professor’s Teaching Style: The structure of the course is well-suited for those who take up a course only for learning and not for grades. You will be regularly interacting with the instructor in the class as well as outside of it. Much of the learning is done outside of the lecture hours (assignments, final project, research papers and articles).
Should you do this course?: I would recommend you to take this course only if you like structures. This course requires continuous efforts from your side because the assignments and projects are open-ended. Those who like structures will enjoy this course. This is a research-oriented course where you will be required to read and understand research papers. Assignments and the project will be based on these.