Introduction to Electric Propulsion & Particle methods for simulation of hall thrusters
Vedanth Sharma
Year of Study: 3rd
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Project type: SLP
Motivation to pursue project: My interest started out due to my ITSP project, Atmosphere based Ion Propulsion.
Summary of Project: My work during my two SLP’s revolved around understanding the various EP methods and then looking into the working of various hybrid PIC solvers for the simulation of plasmas in these EP devices.
Simulation of Compressible Flow using SU2
M Vishnu Sankar
Year of Study: 3rd
Contact details:
Project type: SLP.
Motivation to pursue project: I was interested in learning new CFD software other than ANSYS Fluent as it is just a black box (garbage in garbage out XD). I was also very interested in high speed flows, which eventually led me to choose SU2 over OpenFOAM. I also wanted to learn more of the mathematical framework of CFD which actually didn’t turn out as expected partially due to the online sem. I was also interested to design the converging part of a CD nozzle using Method of Characteristics which thankfully turned out well.
Summary of Project: The prime objective of the Supervised Learning Project was to get an overview of high speed flow simulations using the CFD software SU2. It delves into the features used in SU2 through a simple inviscid simulation, various numerical methods used in SU2 and finally I looked at the simulation of flow through optimum expanded, under-expanded and over-expanded nozzle. Then the Method of Characteristics was used to design a minimum length supersonic nozzle in Python
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