Prof. Rohit Gupta


Numerical solution of the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CR3BP)

Khuloudoh Maikho

Year of Study: 3rd Date of Review: 29/10/2022

Contact details: 7024599381

Project type: Summer Project

Motivation to pursue project: I was interested in how to numerically & accurately simulate spaceflight trajectories. So the prof suggested me the CR3BP to begin with.

Summary of Project: The work involved the study of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics to model the CR3BP and generate a solution using symplectic integration schemes for different cases. I developed a python code to simulate the system for different initial conditions and observe the resulting trajectories while making sure to have the system invariants remain constant. references:

  • Book: Analytical Mechanics of Aerospace Systems, Hanspeter Schaub and John L. Junkins
  • Book: Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Howard D. Curtis
  • Book: Geometric Numerical Integration, Ernst Hairer (regarded as famous book)
  • Book: Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design. Link: (this is a free E-book)

Experience and Time commitment (1: very low, 5: very high):

Frequency of meetings
Involvement of the professor
How strict were the deadlines
Learning outcome
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